A Person Can Dream

User: mjmarlow
A Person Can Dream
The storm that had been threatening all day was finally beginning to break over the county as the five squad cars and three unmarked cars made their way up into the hills above Breverton and approached the old Gunderson farm. After months of painstaking research they were finally going to make an arrest in the series of serial kidnapping, rape, and tortures of young women that had been happening in the tri-county area. And then, what should have been a routine take-down becomes a kidnapping that is not resolved for nearly twenty years.

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Arlington, VA

Bronte fan here. Thanks for the obit of an original soul with an outrageous
intellect. Can you imagine what she could do if set free in the modern world?
Lucky for us, she helped to make it.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

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