A New Beginning

User: Peanut
A New Beginning
A collection of personal reflection and thoughts on the every day struggles in the life of relationships.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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I thought the book was fantastic. The two I really liked was "I can or Can I" and "Until I Saw You".

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Thank you for adding me as a favorite. I really do appreciate your support.

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Thank you for choosing my book as one of your favorites. M

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Thank you for adding me as one of your favorites. I will keep up with your writings. M

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Thank you so much for reading my poetry. And as always, thank you for your support. You are my brother and my friend. You and I have a relationship that transends others. I will keep you abreast of my new works.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your poems. Please continue because I found them to be very inspirational. These poems are showing a very special side of you.
Love you.....your brother and friend.

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Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate your support. I will be posting another book within the next couple weeks. Keep your eyes open and let me know what you think. It will be in the Erotic section. I am stepping into different areas to truly express my thoughts. Thanks again. M

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Thank you for adding me as one of your favorites. I have started a reading group to discuss various viewpoints. Please visit and add your comments. And as always, continue to support me as I express the thoughts and revelations in my life. Thanks again...M

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Very inspiring poems looking forward to more of your work

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Thank you Jenna for adding me as a favorite. I appreciate all the feedback I can get. Thanks again...M

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