Heavenly Agents (in) Learning Operatives Von:
User: natsaic

Heavenly Agents (in) Learning Operatives, what do you do when you're the key, and you don't know which lock you fit into to?
Lynn, foster kid, poet at heart and suddenly, she's part of the bigger picture and a conspiracy that she doesn't know of. Who will survive?

I am going to be doing monthly installments of new chapters. Staring from mid February 2015

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey guys, I'm back to writing this series again to all my followers thank you

Wichtiger Beitrag

hey i changed the tense of my book and tweaked it around a bit so tell me what you think :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

hello my name is cassie ur book was good but to keep us intrested add a lilttle more fire to the fling between alex and lynn. keep him wanting and her running. u dont want to rush it. its good at the pace it been writen. rushing to put the two together could ruin the whole feel u get for reading it cant wait to read more

1 Kommentar

hey thank you for your feedback, Ive been slowly working on the story and will be editing and tweaking it over the next few months. Enjoy and thank you for the feedback

Wichtiger Beitrag

Aww thank you so much,Im going to try harder to finish it off :P
and i promise to keep you updated XD x

Wichtiger Beitrag

i don't read alot of books on here but yours is the best i've read!!!!!!keep me updated

1 Kommentar

Hey I've been updating and refining my story, thank you for being interested :)

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