1995.06.11 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Spirit Descending

1995.06.11 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Spirit Descending
And I tell you sons, I speak to you in an earthly way: the official church on earth belongs to Caesar and the world and to the man’s taste, and those from the church chosen by Me through holiness and love and separation from the spirit of the world in the church, those are called „sect,” for this is what „sect” means, sons; this is what it means in an earthly lan-guage. The one, who calls you „sect” in an earthly language, is right. Who is distinguished and steps aside to be faithful to the holy creed of the church and to God, that one is called „sect” according to the language on the earth, and according to the language from heaven, he is named selection; he is called a chosen people, the same way I chose those from Israel whom I made disciples of holiness and of My word, which I came down from heaven with, to wake up those that sleep.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The word of God in Romania"
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