The Fox Under the Rose Bush

children's book, fantasy
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I loved this nature-based story as old as Life. The illustrations were gorgeous, the story compelling. A work worthy of pride in its craftsmanship. Well done.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I see your point about the grammar...the sentence was worded awkwardly. "a young pigeon couple was gathering..." I wasn't sure about the structure, but I went with a couple was...couple being singular??

Wichtiger Beitrag

What a sweet old-fashioned tale. I remember reading something very similar many years ago when I was a small child. It's nicely written and expressed, it flows smoothly. I could not fault the grammar except in one spot. 'The pigeons 'were' not 'was' as the plural is needed.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Linda this is simply stunning, I am so very proud of you and am so deeply honored to have you as a freind and a member of my site.. Well done M'Lady well done
Naryu aka Marc

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