Friendship Bracelets for Beginners

The Ultimate step by step guide with pictures to learn the skills and techniques to create beautiful friendship bracelet Von:
Friendship Bracelets for Beginners

A friendship bracelet is a handmade bracelet intended for a special person. A friendship bracelet is usually made of several strands of embroidery floss that have been knotted to form intricate patterns. People of all ages but particularly teens have made use different knotting techniques including that of macrame to create these bracelets for their friends. Because the technique is relatively simple, requires no special equipment and can be done with inexpensive materials, making and sharing friendship bracelets is something nearly everyone can do.  


 I’ll try to answer all your most burning questions and teach you everything you need to know before you get started with your very first project on friendship bracelets.

This book contains some of the following;

  • Introduction to Friendship Bracelets
  • Materials and Supplies Needed
  • Step by Step Guide to making Friendship Bracelets
  • Friendship bracelet projects
  • Chinese Ladder Friendship Bracelet
  • Fabric scrap friendship bracelets
  • Diagonal friendship bracelets
  • Fancy Friendship Bracelets
  • Macrame Friendship Bracelets
  • And lots more!!!
  • Enough has been said. Get your materials and a copy of this book to begin making amazing friendship bracelets.


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