
Book One: Her Journal Von:

Book One is a Contemporary Novel.




A mysterious girl wakes up from a coma and later learns she has an amnesia. She was later baptized with the name Sam. She is seeing and hearing horrific things she cannot explain. Dr. Khali, her psychiatrist, believes those are her memories. Because of this, Sam thinks she may have something to do with the fate of her real family, and so decided to run away from her past. With the Mizuki's, the father and son who adopted her, she starts a new journey. However, with the untimely death of Akito Mizuki, she realizes her past is haunting her.


She meets Tasuki Takahara, a young Yakuza leader, who opens her eyes to the underworld. He pulls her to a bet that she will fall for him. Unfortunately, Sam is in-love with Charles Ethelstan, the man who makes her forget about her past. With Akira Mizuki, the only family she has, does not see her as his sister, love becomes complicated for her.


"Innocence" is the journal she wrote while living her life as Sam Mizuki.

This is her story.

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Josie Galvacci

I love your story. It's still in its early start but I can't help but fall in love with it. I love her brother and Tasuki

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