Stop in the Name of Vardaman

Stop in the Name of Vardaman

Leslie Lorraine Vardaman, known mainly and formidably by her official monikers, Samantha Komodo and "Cheezi D", is a gray wolf and American author, poet and songwriter.
She has been writing series of more than many fiction/action/thriller series
book since the tender cub age of five; with her most famous hits apparently
being "Lone Wolves" and her most recently self published, all anti-villain
main cast crime drama saga, "Lobo Thunder/The Hystericals". So far, her
current writing ambitions include writing to express not only her
own physical emotions into her works, but also those maybe of other animal
beings around her in the world as well.

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As others have stated, it is not about the fact she is a woman. I voted for
Hillary and have no regrets. Hillary's greatest fault was she was a strong
woman who was afraid to really give voice to her thoughts, and that was
tragic. Ditto for Pelosi who I feel is being unfairly targeted. But Gillibrand
crossed the line, in my mind. Are all politicians naked opportunists?
Probably. But it shouldn't be so brazen. Gillibrand... mehr anzeigen

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