The Dragon

The Dragon
Poor Gavin has had it rough. Some would call it paranoid schizophrenia, others call it a hole in the Paper Theory. You be the judge.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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It was coming from all angles and I wondered what would happen next. Say, how did he acquire that gun? Evelyn

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It was coming from all angles and I wondered what would happen next. Say, how did he acquire that gun? Evelyn

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It was coming from all angles and I wondered what would happen next. Say, how did he acquire that gun? Evelyn

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It was coming from all angles and I wondered what would happen next. Say, how did he acquire that gun? Evelyn

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Gelöschter User

Hey I really loved your description in this story!

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It is extremely likely that there will be more. This short was designed as a chapter one. The only problem is that there are so many themes going on in the overall plot that I'm still whittling out all the excess fat. That, and I haven't come up with any half decent plot devices. It'll work out though.

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Leslie, this book was awesome! My only complaint is that it ended so abruptly...please, PLEASE tell me there will be more! :) Excellent job!

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