Faith of the Divine Inferno

Faith of the Divine Inferno
After more than two thousand years, Rebecca Calden thought she was unique in the world. But shifting forces beyond her awareness have finally made themselves known as each faction competes to gain the ultimate prize: Rebecca's immortality.
Ages 16 and up

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

very good flow with plot, transitions from chapter to chapter with out loss of clarity. I would enjoy reading more of your works, keep writing.
Thank you

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I really enjoyed the story Leslie! It was a bit long but really good, kept me coming back for more. I liked your ending. My only real complaint is that I found there was too many characters; it was hard to keep track of them all. I might do a review on this book in the Book Reviews group. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Didn't see all that coming! Wow! How wonderfully horrifying - your descriptions were awesome. I could see everything, and almost wished I couldn't. Very, very effective.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I sense a conclusion coming and can't wait to see where you're taking this now. All kinds of possibilities are clamoring for attention, and I'm sure you'll get it exactly right - you have so far! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

I was wondering how Shaw was going to handle this one...nicely done. As usual, your descriptions were stellar - enough to show the surroundings, people (or reasonable facsimiles thereof), and the situation without slowing down the flow of the story itself. Wish I could do that, grumble, grumble. And yeah, there was the occasional typo, but nothing you won't see with a quick read-through. The plot, as they say (whoever "they"... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Ha! I love where this is going! And now it's my turn to lmao - you certainly know how to turn a phrase! Write more, write more!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay. I'm going to read this as if I were just following a television series, and having seen this week's episode, I'm simply waiting for the next one. If I don't do it this way, I'll end up tearing my hair out in frustration...well, no, that would really hurt. Still, though...right. Okay! This story just gets better and better, and if I may channel a teenager for one moment, OMG! Can't wait for Chapter 17!

Come to think of... mehr anzeigen

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