The Monkey's Egg

User: lazarus67
The Monkey's Egg
A curious little girls adventure

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

Okay here goes nothing Kitty I love your story it is fantastic,,,,

4 Kommentare

That picture there is my Grand daughter Jazmyn

Gelöschter User

okay i know that

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Carol Wills

Great story Laz, and very original. You have a beautiful granddaughter. I’ve PM you.

Will we be hearing more of Jazz, Sydney and Matilda?

Carol x

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if we could have her finding it at Christmas we could put it into the anthology.

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Gelöschter User

Laz, your story was amazing! It is so cute! I acually think I might want to play with a baby gaitor. If it doesn't bite. LOL
I really loved your story, great job!!!

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That was a delightfully enchanting story. How on earth did you come up with this? I have to know your secrets. You are so clever with your plot and development. This is an exciting and heart-warming tale. I liked how you described Matilda and Sydney. Jazz sounds like a living doll! The monkey's egg, huh? Too darn adorable! Kids will love this!

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Great story! The title is fitting.

1 Kommentar

Aw you read it. My contribution to kids books. ( strictly kids) not like the

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I read it and so did my 11 yr old he said it was awesome, I read it to my little girl and she was awwww all the way through, I loved your pictures on at the front.

thanks for sharing with us :P

1 Kommentar

Thanks Donna...this is I HAVE to write more children's


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