Red Leather Boots

User: lazarus67
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✅ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-lazarus-red-leather-boots

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This tale has quite a unique development. After she's broken his nose and bruised his shin, he finally admits he's teasing her. Ouch! He must be a sucker for pain! Lol! Twisted romance, yet somehow romantic in the end. Nice work.

2 Kommentare
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✅ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?lazarus67_1289746213.3398671150

Wichtiger Beitrag

She is a very skeptical woman...maybe she needed a prove of his love...wonderful story...Mari

Wichtiger Beitrag

I like the character you have come up with, a very vivid story that i can picture every move she makes. I enjoyed it...

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Ps...I like Samantha, I think that I'll write more with her in my next story or stories.

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Thank...means a lot to hear such nice comments...I can't change it because I posted the story in it has to stay...but thats alright.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Ok, great night life descriptions, could actually see the scene, smell the smoke, and got a good grasp of the spirit of Samantha! Ending had a great comedic flow to it! Felt like I got punched also by it! LOL

On page 7 add 's' to Samantha makes her way to bar. Couldn't help that! The editor came out in me! Really like it Laz! You have a definite sense of humor!

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Thanks Paula, God created variety, and I'm merely one tiny creation of His.

Wichtiger Beitrag

So sorry to disappoint you,
Maybe next time, I'll make it more to your liking.

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