How I Quit Smoking

User: lazarus67
How I Quit Smoking
The night when I finally decided to give up the cancer weed.

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Good for you!
Truth is...I probably smoked 3 or 4 times my whole life. Didn't really like it.

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What a great story. So glad you quit. I quit one year ago with the help of Chantix and have never looked back. My little kids would yell at me when I went on the porch to smoke: "Stop smoking Dad!" I finally listened...

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This is a very funny, but needed piece.

I enjoyed your hilarious, but serious story about smoking. I was waiting for Virginia Slim to make an entrance. Lol
Anyway, that's the brand I smoked for several years when my oldest son was only 3 or 4 years old, he surprised me and said "mommy no that's bad for you" and he knocked the cigarette right out of my mouth. A couple of days later, on my next doctor's appointment I found... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare

Anybody can stop smoking, drinking, doing drugs if one is sincere and respects Life.You don't need The Preacher's prayers as some Preachers seem to indicate. I used to smoke a pack a day but have not smoked for 46 years.

Smoking is enjoyable you cannot deny but is a killer for sure.


I only smoked two or three whole cigarettes in my life. Never bought a pack...maybe I was too smart or too cheap.


Ps...drinking is moderation.

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Nicorette should compensate you. If this reflects how you really act and think, you're a pretty cool guy.

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That Valerie for being so candid.
I never thought this silly story would have such an impact. It started out because I thought the word nicotine sounded a lot like an Irish name, Nick O'Teen. From there it grew by adding different brand names of cigarettes. Then I also thought of those two Marlboro poster boys. I'm sure they got pay well for that company. Making them millions in sales. But in the end, they paid with their own... mehr anzeigen

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This was not only witty and clever but contained an important message regarding the addiction of smoking. Laz asked me to comment on a dream I had on July 6, 1987 which affected my life....which saved my life...and so here it is. Thank you, Laz, for this story. Hopefully those who smoke, and you know who you are, will take heed:

True story. I had smoked constantly since I was 15 years old and was very much addicted. My father... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

Overlooking the corny bits like the 'Lucky Strike', this was a pretty good piece of writing. Also I'm taking off marks for the jibes about Irish prancing, er dancing. My daughter is a championship level Irish dancer. I'll add the marks back for comments about Michael Inflately.
Seriously good story, I'll vote for it.

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It is doubt.
The two characters, Wayne McLaren and David McClean were the poster persons for the Marlboro tobacco company. They needed to smoke so many cigarettes a day for their jobs. Finally both died of lung cancer. How sad!

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