Be My Love

User: lazarus67
Be My Love
Eternal love as experienced by men and women throughout the ages; whether it be between long time married couples, or youths starting out on a path of discovery.

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this another one i love and i wish if society can view the word love as how you express it in you book but everything happens in life for a reason and when you have spare time can you please check out my books as well and give me feedback on them thank you

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B ︀е ︀s ︀t ︀❤️ ︀P ︀о ︀r ︀n ︀★ ︀S ︀t ︀а ︀r ︀s, ︀open ︀link ︀↪

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An extremely powerful view of love that captures those first moments of ecstacy.

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I loved this book. I feel eternal love is expressed deeply through these words... 6 stars!!!

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What a very vivid and romantic poem. Yet, easy to read as well.
I enjoyed it as i smiled while reading. For it spoke of a love that some people will always long for.

LaJune Marie

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King Salomon would be proud, and think how long his writings have been enjoyed! From how deeply you write I am assuming you have been one of the fortunate few who have truly shared love. Beautiful.

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Thanks John...appreciate the comment....AND it's about time you read

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Thanks to the 19 ladies and 3 men who have read, commented, and saved.
So that's less than 1/6 who are

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Wow. If you were to read that out loud, there would be ladies falling all over you... that might not work with the wife around though... lol.

AMAZING!! I LOVE IT!! You put Shakespeare to shame with this poem.

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