Tonight I Sail

User: lazarus67
Tonight I Sail
Despair, loneliness, love lost

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

The poem is cleverly written and easily relatable, I especially enjoyed the ending starting with: Silence embraces me. I would say it is similar to a couple of my poems, but not one in particular.

1 Kommentar

There may be a word or two similar...but the essence of your poems as a whole is similar.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is insightful. It truly captures that feeling of just wanting the pain to end.

1 Kommentar

Yep...end or just go away, one way or another.

Wichtiger Beitrag

For a moment there was hope...I was saddened by the course chosen by--or for--the soul, though. Seems he gave up just when the moment arrived that would have lifted him back to life. The defining moment; the footstep that once taken cannot be reversed. Sad and powerful through your images.
Nice job again, Laz.

2 Kommentare

Thanks Patrick.
Interesting how folks interpret this... some find it sad...others, not so.


I feel there is that agony of a missed moment. 'The Could have been','the should have been'etc.are returningin full force to torment. Rely not on your own strength it seems to say.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Oh what a wonderful writing Laz, I find my myself on the edge of my seat when I read this!

1 Kommentar

Thanks Queenie

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