The Monkey's Egg and other stories

User: lazarus67
The Monkey's Egg and other stories
A compilation of stories and poems by 8 Bookrix authors to benefit a children's charity.
Three pieces are mine to enjoy free...the rest can be had at Amazon books....pls. see link.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey Laz, we could use more of your stories! We just released Springtime Bullies and are gearing up to do our fall collection.

5 Kommentare

Are all the stories concerning bullying?


Our last book was all about being bullied or being a bully brought down to the pre-adolescent ages, but our new one is still in the baby stage - that means I will be posting in the Facebook group page, a sign up, and a voting on a new topic and name for the Fall/Winter... mehr anzeigen


Since I don't frequent Facebook much, can you send me a link when that voting is being done?


I sure will


Here is the announcement and I will put the link at the end: I know this is going to seem a quick turn around, but we need to get going on our next book. Because Bullies were a serious subject, we feel that something lighter should be done this time around. Last year was winter,... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm not really the target audience for this, so I don't really know what to say.
It read exactly as a children's story should.

1 Kommentar


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