The Birthday Gift

User: lazarus67
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Gelöschter User

Is... is that Hannah in the beginning me?

5 Kommentare

And many others from here at Bookrix

Gelöschter User

Ooh. Ooooooooh! That's exciting! Thank you!

Gelöschter User

Yeah, I noticed :)


Hahaha...You're welcome. Not the first time I did this...using others in my stories.

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Gelöschter User

:D I got to be a character?!?!

4 Kommentare

And why

Gelöschter User

It makes me feel so special ^_^


Well...I feel you are. Knew that from the first time you appeared here at Bookrix.

Gelöschter User

Awwwww :) Thanks.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really liked this piece. It feels like it should be part of a large book of fairy tales. And as far as the story goes, I would've never though of that solution! Goodness. Your genius stumps me ;)


1 Kommentar


Wichtiger Beitrag

Great Story Laszlo the Great Wizard!... I see you can also conjure up magical treats as well as stories... I didn't want it to end... #StillSmiling

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A sweet story - give me a lollipop. A clever yarn - Hats off to you. Hellow Laz. Great cover also. Janice

Wichtiger Beitrag

You have written a very clever, interesting, magical and exciting story. I love it! Too funny. :-)

1 Kommentar

thanks Lady Tonya

Wichtiger Beitrag

A smart gift for the birthday girl - and an awesome, clever gift to us! Wizard you are, indeed, sir! Thanks for the biggest smile of my day! 'D

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