Sir Jodonikus von Sande

into the green Von:
User: Langelaan
Sir Jodonikus von Sande

A short story about a very good friend of mine. Who died ofcourse to early and left some empty space behind. We do regret that he is no more with us.

funny, aniamals, reak
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Take it slower, describe more the events surrounding him.
'To say it in a mild language', i think you wanted to say. 'Gesture' is something we do with our hands.
'which had bothered him, Sir..." Since you're saying 'him', there's no need to say the name. If you want the name, then drop the 'him'.
'tied to a greasy' not 'tight'.
It's a cute short story and I liked your voice, but it needs more work.

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Review - First, what a name! That alone has me wondering. I enjoyed the pondering about his situation. And of course the ending has me wondering why he is there and what is going to happen to him.

There is a need for editing, but we all have that problem. There's a quirky 'author's voice' in there as well. May I humbly suggest that you expand this story. Give us more insight as to what is going on. You have started a story, we need more. Robynn

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