A snowy escape and thoughts of Summer melt years of pain.

Word count 1000.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

gurl i luv this i am totally hooked

Wichtiger Beitrag

Adding to my earlier comment, I found this breathtaking. You have an amazing eye for detail in your descriptions! The scenario painted is vivid, rich, and magical. Certain elements are sad; causing feelings of empathy for the two girls. You definitely have what it takes to be a successful writer, Kristiana. Very excellent work here!

Wichtiger Beitrag

A lovely piece of prose that touches the reader's heart. You got my vote. Good luck!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks Patrick for the vote and the confidence boost. =]

Writingmum, I look forward to the feedback, thank you for your vote.

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