Wings of Love

Love poems Von:
Wings of Love
The wings of love scale great heights.Love transcends all the barriers of caste, religion and sects. True love is a celestial bliss but rarely found in this seemingly complex world. Love if jilted can wreak vengeance and wear the dark color. Love is a feeling to be experienced by all. True love never expects any return and if unrequited never goes wrong.

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This is a delightful & intriguing read in which, Ms Mitra uses various styles of poetry to share her thoughts regarding love.

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Thanks a lot Christine!

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oh phenomenal , the expression in your poem is mind-blowing and the pinning is remarkable , emotions speaks to you which makes you brilliant poet

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Thanks so much payal.

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no need it was my pleasure


did you get to read the whole book?

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your words of wonder fly beautifully off the pages of "Wings of Love"

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but filled with hope - your Valley of Rainbows evokes a word picture of so much beauty....whether you pen of love or despair, your words flow...Paula

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