When Life is a Stranger

When Life is a Stranger
Here the characters are involved in a romantic, thrilling, action-packed and suspense-filled ten-minute play. Here life knocks the characters with all its odds and redounds upon them with an experience they never had before.This is like a psychological thriller that plays with the emotions of the characters. An enthralling play of romance and love.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
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Hi girl When life is a stranger is a good piece the characters a fiery, and i like the dialogue but i feel the story thread will need some more development, and would like the sample you allow the public to read to be longer so they get a juicier taste of really meaty characters. Yet the title hooked me straight away and great cover, you picked a challenging concept to write about, and so far i am interested in reading more... mehr anzeigen

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Writing scripts is so difficult! Unlike the more in-depth possibilities with a story or novel, script writing must focus mainly on character and dialogue as seen through the lens of a camera.
When Life is a Stranger has all the underlying elements in place; tension is there throughout. The relationship is somewhat defined by social mores and customs, often not found in Western thought and practice, but my question would be... mehr anzeigen

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