Poetry from my soul

Poetry from my soul
Poems in meter and rhyme that modern writers often face a difficulty.Free verses are different forms of poetry and writing free verses is an art. Unlike rhythm and rhyme they are actually natural and spontaneous. On the other hand form poetry is difficult to write yet these poems exude a beauty subtle and palpable.

Meter, Rhyme, Emotions, Form
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I did not know you could touch my soul. Yes Life is a mountain that needs all the tools to climb it. Remember Tenzing Notgay and Ed. Hillary, they said just when they thought they had neutralized the obstacles, they kept coming back as they reached the top of Mount Everest.

I remember William Wordsworth famous Lucy Gray from my school days. He would note a lone lass singing some meloncholy song as he would pass her by as she... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thanks Bobby.

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Awesome poetry. I don't even know some of the forms you've mentioned :) I think I like the constanza the most, though it's also my first time encountering one. All the forms are interesting, but most of all, your poems have very beautiful meanings. Perhaps I should also try writing with a concrete form. Thanks for giving me the inspiration. :)

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Lovely poetry often today poems are more prose than poems. This poetry had meter and rhythm and rhymes.


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Gelöschter User

you have my vote!! :)

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I enjoyed the book Koyel, especially Adieu and Flow with life. They spoke to me- if that makes any sense.

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I really enjoyed this, particularly 'Truth' and 'Metamorphosis'. Real style there Koyel, good luck with that contest, you have my vote.


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I really enjoyed "Father". Good work, good sense of "diversity in poetry" with the different styles! :)

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you amaze me with your emotions spelled out in many different forms giving a beauty even to sorrow and a boost to hope. Well done!...Paula

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