I Don't Need You

I Don't Need You
Had an argument with my ex boyfriend.. The things he said... They hurt and inspired me to write this poem. I am not a poet, not in the least. Writing a poem is rare for me

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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-kitaramitsui-i-don-039-t-need-you

Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow heavy and dark and well a bunch of things. You are a good writer and if you send other books I shall read them. Very heart felt and realistic is my rating for this book.

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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?kitaramitsui_1332962220.8527379036

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a little upset when I wrote this... What he had said hurt like hell..

I am not much of a poem writer but the argument inspired it. I will try for something happier next time :)

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Hon, listen to me on this one thing and trust me, yes I know its an impossible task i ask of you but it's all i will ask you to do besides not to give up. Ever. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. just the way you are. you are not fat, you are not ugly, you are not worthless, you are not a whore, there is someone out there just waiting to meet you and love you you just havent met them yet. YOu are fragile yes, but we all have a past and past... mehr anzeigen

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A little upset.

It's okay of course.

And the poem itself is well made and uses a nice device to good advantage.

But... something happy next time?

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