Magic At War

Magic At War
I know it might not seem like it, but there was always been two types of people. There are evil people, and there are good people. No one knows why people become evil, or how. Some say it starts with an idea. Others say your born evil. I believe your life is what you make it. And this is the story of our world. The world of soldiers, and magic that are combined into one, that comes to make a treaturous war world.

There are rumors and stories that a huge collision between world will happen. It will be with my world and the evil ones. It will be a long and devastating battle. Many will fight for there lives, many will die, they will die protecting their families and others lives. They are most brave for this. No one knows the ending of this era.

My name is Rose, and I am a second year dark arts student. Today I am transferring schools. I will now be a second year war wizard. They're powerful wizards. Some of the most power-fullest wizards were one as a young adult. It is a great honor. I hope one day to be a very powerful wizard, but now I am just beginning in the world of magic. It's going to be a long story. And this is where it begins.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Magics Collide"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Magic At War
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I like the characters, I love the plot and everything about this book. Good job writer! If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on N0velStar.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I just finished reading your book and couldn't help feeling a bit hungry for more detail. It was a very nice story but there are many holes that needed filling to my opinion. For example giving more background information on the protagonist and taking more time to maybe describe what the room looked like, how long ago was her grandma's fight fought. Also a spell check would have made the story easier to read. The synopsis was... mehr anzeigen

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