Worse deal ever

User: kimmyj79
Worse deal ever
When two best friends meet a few guys and hang out with them, one of the friends see something she wants. When they make a plan to get what they want it all goes wrong.
What happens to the best friends? What did they want so bad?

stealing, money, robbed, hired hand
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

overall a great book! Message me when you update!

1 Kommentar
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Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm halfway through with this haha and its very interesting. You are amazing at making details and letting the reader visualize it perfectly. My laptop is going to die soon so I will finish the story later and tell you what I think on the rest :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Added two more chapters...I am working it guys :) I finally made it to chapter 8, more still to come :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

the only thing that I found that was missing was what the characters look like, blonde hair? brown? Unless I missed it you should add that, I think other than that you have done a great job...
Add more and make sure you make some action pop more :)
Shellia....You know who I am : P

Wichtiger Beitrag

Please let me know if you all think this way sounds better :) Thank you very much

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was done very well. I think a few grammar corrections and you will have a great story....Please let me know when you write more...
I think you having something here, I would love to know what happens to Emerald...

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very catchy start and I'm curious to see where this is going. :D It could use a little bit of proofreading but other than that this is fantastic!

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