Dust and Moonlight

Dust and Moonlight
Balion, Prince of Locke Cress, waited a long time for the forest nymph with lavender eyes to come to him. The dreams told him it was just a matter of time. What they hadn’t told him was that he’d lose his heart to the strange creature from another world.

After the serial killer attacked Kira, she awoke in a strange land. Now, she’s running for her life from wild boars, wizards, and sorcerers, not to mention a Prince that makes her body melt in all the wrong places. Facing extraordinary circumstances as the evil plots unfold, Kira fights for her life, and for a love that neither time nor distance can ever dispel from her soul.

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I dont have a kindle and loved this. Please put more chapters on it? it was great.

1 Kommentar

I'm not sure what book you were reading. Where The Rain Is Made?

I wish I could put more chapters on, but I can't give away the entire plot.

You don't need a KINDLE to read the books. I read many ebooks on my computer.

If it's Where The Rain Is Made, you can purchase it here at... mehr anzeigen

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