Onyamarks1972: the Lost Book: Resurrected.

The Lost Book: (reads in .pdf Acrobat Reader download only) Von:
User: kfdewey
Onyamarks1972: the Lost Book: Resurrected.
Onyamarks was originally published in Phoenix Arizona in 1972 in a hardcover edition of 1,000. The edition was a literary and artistic success, however it had limited sales and because of its lack of commercial popularity it remained stacked in a storage facility for some 10 years. The artist/author acquired the remaining volumes from the publisher in 1980. It is a collection of drawings and writings that reflect an artists view of America in the 1960”s recorded while the artists traveled across the country in attempt to discover what meaning could be attached to his talent and what environment had contributed to its development.
It has remained in the land of obscurity for forty years.
This e-Book edition is a resurrection of the abandoned work: it is a condensed version of the 12 inch by 12 inch hardcover edition. It is a 71 page sketch pad. a foot note to a time of passion and rebellion, to a time that is now buried: as the lost book was buried and passed: without eulogy or recognition, a work of realization, of poetry, of art: unrealized…The Lost Book.

Artist, Writing, Drawing, Stories, Satire
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