Beheaded In Biology

Beheaded In Biology
Albany, Iowa. A small town in the heartland with good old fashioned values, mayors that know everyone by name, and now, a death rate that’s quadrupling by the minute.

Gabi Page, and her two best
friends Nate and Kole, are on a mission. People are going missing all around
town, and while the police are sniffing at their high school science teacher,
the teen sleuths know there’s nothing human behind the recent disturbances.
Now, if they want to save their loved ones, classmates, and the people of
Albany, they’re going to have to dive head first into the darkness that haunts
their every movement.

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So what caught my eye was that this book takes place in small town Iowa.... I am from Iowa :). Im glad that I took the chance to read what you have written so far. I am very excited to see what else you have in store for this book. Could you please let me know when you update this book again?

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