Batgirl: Year One

Batgirl: Year One
I’m not a hero.
I know. I know. All the heroes say that, right? Denying how awesome you are is what makes you a superhero. Batman does it, Superman does it. Everyone who’s really a hero, says they’re not a hero.
But, for this one instance, forget all that, and believe me.
I’m not a hero.
But, for the last year, I’ve been walking a mile in one’s shoes. Not just any hero. The greatest female superhero of all time, in my humble opinion. I guess that’s why I’m writing this. Not because Nightwing suggested it- apparently every hero writes their own Year One story, even Batman- but because when this story does come to light (hopefully after I’m long gone), people will understand just how impossible it is to fill her shoes.
I don’t think anyone should try.

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