100 philosophy and cosmology genre verses of poetry that leaves the reader with much to pobder

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''I ask how many religions exist in the Galaxy

Will beings on other planets of the Galaxy believe in our
'God' or 'Gods'?
I can-not be more certain than you.''

The particular things have the form of the universal thing in them such that to know the particular allows you to know
the universal( Aristotelian philosophy).
Nice book about the universal existentialism .

3 Kommentare

16>Hi Marieta

In response to your most welcome comment may I add:

We are made of substances of the Universe
We are children of the Universe
We are that part of the Universe that is aware of being aware.

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Thank you for inviting me to read this very stimulating book which puts into words many of the ethical and spiritual questions humankind continually ponders on life, death, and the sociopolitics of dogma. For questors, the essence of a well defined puzzle is often the intelligent spark that sets us seeking and finding... Please browse and read between the lines of my book, too...Firelight is a lighthearted quest, too - albeit... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

An excellent book which puts into question the human essence, life, death,ethics, religions...For knowledge seekers, everything starts with intellligent quests ... Wish you can have a look at my book : Itching Thoughts, a kind of quest too...

1 Kommentar

Thank you for your in-depth understanding of where my poetry is at. I surely shall read Itching Thoughts. Thank you so very much for the star, it meant so very much to me. And yes I gave you my vote on your compitetion with pleasure.
Kind regards

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