Isabella Riddle

Love VS. Loyalty, Sister VS sister, Life VS death... Which one will come out on top? Von:
Isabella Riddle
Isabella Riddle is the Daughter of Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange. Isabella has a sexy boyfriend named Draco Malfoy who is part of her father's Death Eaters group, who soon will belong to her. Isabella's life was turned up side down when she learnns that her twin sister has turned to the good side and is a traitor to her family and sister.

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O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k︀ ︀➝︀

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I'm sorry but I have no clue what you're talking about. Sorry :(

Katie Salvatore

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O︀p︀e︀n︀ ︀L︀i︀n︀k︀ ︀➝︀

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Ok break is almost over where is it!!!!!!!! I showed my focus group this saying I wanted to try a witch story finish so they can aprove my idea please I am begging

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Ok break is almost over where is it!!!!!!!! I showed my focus group this saying I wanted to try a witch story finish so they can aprove my idea please I am begging

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Hey guys! Thanks for the comments! I promise that now because I am on break, I will post more as soon as possible! Now please don't worry, I haven't left you guys!!! Thank you once again!
Katie Salvatore

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hey you right more or i will have ur head sis, got it.

1 Kommentar

I am currently writing the 11th chapter... i will post it as soon as i can finish it okay?

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