The Madness

User: kathcake
The Madness
It was a beautiful ornate necklace dating back decades, but it holds a mysterious power that can change destiny...

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
breebree4uuu vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

hey i am bree and i really liked ur book! i wanted to read on b ut then it stopped i loved it!!!!!1 i reaD IT ALL IN 15 MINSSSSS! AHHHH i loved it!!!!!!!! keed wrighting!

Wichtiger Beitrag
breebree4uuu vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

hey i am bree and i really liked ur book! i wanted to read on b ut then it stopped i loved it!!!!!1 i reaD IT ALL IN 15 MINSSSSS! AHHHH i loved it!!!!!!!! keed wrighting!

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