
& Other Women Revolutianary War Tales Von:
One is not who you think. She's disguised. One has found a spy in her own background. She's got to put an end to it. One has a big job ahead. She's got a battle to fight. Sound interesting? Well guess what - these are real people, and their stories are just waiting to be read! So read on, and I hope you enjoy:)

drabble, history, disguise, soldier, spy
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

These are great and I agree with what Prandall said. They are fresh and original and a very enjoyable read. You could turn them into longer stories, it would be lovely to read what happens to these women.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for the comment. I looked into the spacing and it turns out there are spaces between them but the font makes it looks like there aren't. I tried to fix this the best i could.

Wichtiger Beitrag

women in war is something that has always intrigued me, these characters are great! you should try to write a book based on these characters :)
one problem though, have another look at your stories because sometimesg you have two words mashed together and they need a space in between.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love to read something fresh and original and these Drabbles were exactly that. I was intrigued and would like to read more about these women. Well done.

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