Lost then Found

Lost then Found
Sheila is an 850 year old Vampyre, looking for something. The problem is when it comes to what she's looking for, she can't remember. With the help of Tucker, the 960 year old Vampyre year old Vampyre who found her; Muriyah, her 300 year old Vampyre best friend; Gill, a 680 year old Vampyre who's Tucker's best friend and Muriyah's husband; and Lin, a 500 year old Vampyre whom Sheila and Tucker found and claim as their 11 year old daughter, maybe she just might find what she's looking for.

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Sorry guys. I am really stuck on chapter 3. I haven't quite figured out where I want to take Sheila, Tucker, and Lin. I will try my best to get past my writer's block and update but there are no guarantees.

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