Is This Right?

Mira's Story Von:
User: leynav
Is This Right?
*Recently Added/Edited*

(Note that this is part one) This book contains: Stuff from everyday life as well as stuff from not everyday life.

Mira might have accidently found her one true love. Did she? Is it too soon? Is he like the rest liars and fakers? Or is he as he seems to be?

*Not done*

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Mira's story"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Is This Right?
Mira's Story
Fiction, Romance, Drama, Love, Danger, Death
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Yes I know it does jump around alot, but this is like a little preview of it. I am working on the full thing. I do edit it a little here and there and make it less jumpy. I'm glad you like it though and thank you for the honest opinion!


2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

I love the storyline butit needs some work on the flow of the book. I dont want to hurt your feelings, but it does need some work. But you have a purfect idea! come look at my book soon!

Wichtiger Beitrag

you like it? wow thanks I didn't think you would lol. I have been looking for the misspelled Mira. I spelled it Mirs if you find it please tell it to go home its mom if worried.LOL no really if you find it please tell me so I can fix it.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Sorry about type errors if you find any please tell me. I know there are a few in the description. I am not the strongest speller.


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