What parents missed to see from the story of Shravan Kumar

What parents missed to see from the story of Shravan Kumar

Most of you might have come across this name Shravan Kumar when you were growing up. Especially if you have seen the Ramayana episode then there will be an episode on Shravan Kumar. 


Well if you have not heard this name then don't worry, I will give you a very small brief introduction about Shravan Kumar and why he is relevant in the chapters ahead.


This book is not about repeating what is already written in the history but to awaken you to the reality of what history has missed.

India has a rich and grand history but there is a great discovery that has gone unnoticed in every story that we read from the history of this great country.


The story of Shravan Kumar is also one such classical example and in this book you will have the privilege of noticing the unnoticed.

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