This war is not our war

User: charlie
This war is not our war

Ukraine is at war with Russia. The conflict began on February 24, 2021. There are currently at least two wars. A war is a military one, fought between the two powers, Russia and Ukraine. Two warring factions face each other, one will win, the other will lose. This is really not a special statement, because one of these warring countries is better equipped. There really is no direct competition unless we are ready for a direct confrontation with Russia. In any case, we are witnessing a war in which one side loses and the other side wins. Even if we supply arms to Ukraine, it would not change the fact, it would only slow down the process.
The West understood this perfectly and opened a second front, the economic war. And so the US, Japan and Europe are waging this economic war.
Essentially it is the same war as military war, it is fought with different weapons, but it is a war nonetheless.

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Ukraine, Russia, USA, EU, War, Politics
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