A Bittersweet Love Story

A Bittersweet Love Story

No job, no degree, no special someone – Anna’s life hasn’t been spectacular so far. What’s a girl to do on her twenty-fifth birthday but go out with her best friend and roommate Izzy and have a few drinks? To wipe away the memories of her ex, she spontaneously kisses a complete stranger and decides that very evening to change her life. Soon after that, she manages to score the perfect job in a big international corporation and her luck seems to have changed for the better – and fate dishes up a nice surprise. Jetting around the world between Hamburg, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo, Anna is enjoying the luxury of Business Class travel and learning about the world of business in Asia. Her dreams of a jet-set life are coming true, and suddenly she finds herself torn between two guys. After making her decision, though, a painful turn of events knocks Anna off her feet...

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