Deep Breath

Release, Embrace and Go. Von:
Deep Breath

The Perfect Utopia was the only solution to save the Human Race. But it was not as perfect as it appeared to be. The truth was discovered and people felt used and lost. The Great Mental War began and it lasted 28 years. The President of Pangeth has a plan. She wants to help the children of those people who fought in the war. Help them learn to deal with their emotions and plans for the future. This is the story about Hope a teenager living  on Pangeth the old Earth, going on a journey with other teenagers to fight off the Strainors, terrible elements. With the aim of finding their true selves and allowing the Human Race to have a better future

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Deep Breath
Release, Embrace and Go.
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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I love your story! It's so expressive and makes you feel like you're living in that moment and it's just beautiful. However, a bit tweaking on the tenses and repeating of words could really help, especially if you're talking about the same place. I loved the book, good job

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi! The book shows originality. Especially that beginning scene with Jimmy... I realize it's not a cliché Sci-Fi novel. Love it!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

THat was one of the best moments in my life. Your book shows promise... wich is really hard to find around here!

1 Kommentar
Rebekah Wave

Thank you very much! Still working on it :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Vellie Nicholas-Benta

An interesting, futuristic piece which probably had been tugging to get out out the writer's mind for a while! Exactly what my twelfth graders and I would sit and talk about. I love the clever weaving of the 'Pangea' theory with modern day conspiracies theories which surround the emergence of AIDS, ebola, zika and other diseases as a means of population control! Keep on writing, Bella

3 Kommentare

I agree.

Rebekah Wave

Thanks very much Vellie ! I'm still working on editing it, I just wanted to see what people would think about it first before adjusting it, thanks a lot! And thanks Soulfulwriter too! :)

Vellie Nicholas-Benta

no problem, anytime (iron sharpens iron!)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very interesting. I would like to read more.

3 Kommentare

I will attempt to download the full version when I get home.

Rebekah Wave

Thank you very much, I'm glad, that's great thanks

Rebekah Wave

It should be available if you click buy with amazon or itunes as it's 0.00

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