Pillow Soft Secrets

A Manic Journey Through Life, Love & Lust Von:
User: jagudeye
Pillow Soft Secrets
Pillow Soft Secrets is a series of my ramblings, conundrums, run-ons and attempts to rebel against life, only to end up accepting myself- in all my maladroitness; it depicts my being and thought process; not just the current but throughout my entire life. This book wasn’t made to be perfect- and is extremely grammatically ‘incorrect’ in a lot of ways. This was done on purpose.

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Mesa, AZ

Well, if nothing else, this will provide an opportunity to educate America on
what the Census is, how it is conducted, and what is affected by it. Because
there are clearly a large number of people below who have no idea.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com

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