Encounter with Condoms

embarassing.... Von:
User: Kalai
Encounter with Condoms

Some of the delicate experiences can turn into humorous incidents also. When the conservative mindset be one of the reasons for that they become unforgettable.

#health, #protection, #condoms
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Nanjil Madhu

I completely understand your feeling. There is a joke. An NGO distributed condoms to villagers and explained them how to use them using their thumb . They agreed to use them to avoid unwanted pregnancies...

When the NGO visited them next time few angry villagers surrounded them shouting even after using condoms their wives are pregnant.

To their amazement they explained how they wore on the thumb and went about the usual business...

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Gelöschter User

An unusual and refreshing look at a common product. I found your reactions similar to my first girl friend's when we were teens. We were both virgins and only aware of the need for such items by what we read in print. It's worth a heart, Kalai

Wichtiger Beitrag

It is so funny the way you put it. And I love the cover picture. Personally I feel the same way you do about condoms. But I never thought about it that much.

I do not like the things. But I suppose they are a necessary thing for many people.

Great story.

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It is not a biography. Actually it is your out look about condoms. You have narrated it nicely. A lot of thanks to you for sharing your outlook about condoms.

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I must say I did a double take at the title, and giggled all the way through it. Oh My! I know your pain, I was very naive about such things as well, but helping my husband raise his two teenage sons from his first marriage gave me quite the education on such matters! Good Job Kalai, you are such a dear! Robynn

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I have to chuckle at myself, Kalai. When I read the title I immediately thought of "Close Encounters...", trying to envision aliens from the planet Condom visiting Earth with tidings of great joy:) Just me, I guess. But yes, I kind of understand your reticence concerning these strange elastin creatures...er, things. Thank you for sharing this :)

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Very interesting to get another view and perspective of such a common thing... And especially from a culture such as your's. Thanks for sharing.
Also naivite is better than promiscuity.

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