The Rhythm is Gonna Get You

User: tophat
The Rhythm is Gonna Get You
Illustrated book for the 15 word contest.

Dance, Drink
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I do try :)
If you can't have your cake and eat it, then what's the point in having a cake?

Wichtiger Beitrag

For sheer originality, you take the cake..or the prize. You said it all, even using the same words. Very clever indeed.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Yes, by that old saying, i have made an 11,015 word book. Wow!

Wichtiger Beitrag

But if a picture is worth... something-er-other... you're way over the word count.

Excellent job and perfectly Kade (which has become a compliment 'round here for things made well)!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks so much guys. :)
So glad you like it. I always try to do something a little different.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Got me:)
There wasn't a sentence in the lot, but it's a powerfully unique story! You are cutting-edge, Kade! With work like this, I see the future of writing beginning to emerge. Just really great!
Now be kind to Marc; he's learning like the rest of us:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

A winner.
Not because of the beautiful presentation but because it really did tell a story.
Fabulous!! Bloody Fabulous!!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Although not my best art by any stretch of the imagination, it was enjoyable to do all the same.
Thanks loads for clicking through it :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

It's cool, like those flip books we made in school. Except the art is so much better!!! Professional.

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