
In a Plain Brown Wrapper Von:
User: shadesofk
Libidacoria chronicles the author's sexual journey from using men to satisfy her own "beast" to finding that one special man who obsesses her and ultimately opens her up for the possibility of love ... again. Her graphic use of language and raw directness are intermingled with a subtle desire for romance and connectivity giving this book a unique insight into the feminine psyche. Libidacoria paves the way to her upcoming second release, Keys. Keys will chronicle the author's journey to find love.

relationships, dating, sex, love, poetry
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Elegant...yet sad and somber.
It would be interesting to see what you would come up with if you wrote something up beat......just wondering....nothing more.

4 Kommentare

You soon will. I'm working on my next two books now. One will be a love collection and a lot more upbeat. Keep your eyes on me. ;-)



Maybe one of my stories might help inspire you or give you some ideas. LOL
I try writing a differently in every one ...Except the series.

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