Another Boring Encounter

User: JustinSix
Another Boring Encounter

A tale of things happening, unlike any other tale where stuff happens. I used stuff and things in a single sentence, take that teachers!

This is my entry into the first Writing Right contest, something I am not known to do. If this story seems rather ... well I have multiple excuses. Firstly, I blame lack of sleep, secondly I blame having to use many strange and similar words, within a limited word count. Thirdly... I never claimed this story would be any good, or did I?

Justin Bruystens is my real name and Justin Six is my pen name. 

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R︀a︀t︀e︀ ︀m︀y︀ ︀n︀а︀k︀е︀d︀ ︀p︀h︀o︀t︀o︀s︀ ︀♀︀ ︀,︀ m︀y︀ ︀b︀l︀о︀g︀ ︀↦︀ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-justin-six-another-boring-encounter

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Is it possible you publish a sequel?

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R︀a︀t︀e︀ ︀m︀y︀ ︀n︀а︀k︀е︀d︀ ︀p︀h︀o︀t︀o︀s︀ ︀♀︀ ︀,︀ m︀y︀ ︀b︀l︀о︀g︀ ︀↦︀ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?luckyscar_1423523437.5418050289

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This book really are one of the rare books that hits close to the heart.Well done, off course this is the first book I read from you and now the others will be added on to my must read list.

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Gelöschter User

Aww too bad they didn't get together!

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Sasha Reese

I loved the story! I wish that there was more to it though, maybe a second book? Very proper, very happy, very unique!

4 Kommentare

I am glad you enjoyed it, I wrote it for a contest and am focusing most of my attention on completing/continuing my novel though, so I will leave this story where it is. In my opinion it is finished anyways, since I say what ends up happening to the main character.

Sasha Reese

Ok. Yea, I just really liked it! Did you won the contest?


The contest ends in two weeks. Here is the link to the contest if your interested:

Writing Right Contests This group is for those serious about the quality of their writing. This is where you can post links to the short stories you have written as part of the Writing Right contests. And yes, there are prizes! What makes these contests different, perhaps, from most others is that first, everyone who enters a qualifying story is a winner. The prizes are gift cards, the amount of each to be determined by how...
Sasha Reese

Thanks. Tell me if you won!

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Gelöschter User

Writing Right Contest, you say? This is so good! Excellent on how you put the words together to make a story, and not just a story but definitely, your story has a story worth reading!! And it's always been an interesting experience to read a romance story written by a man.. Intriguing. Very manly and so proper. Hope you will write more romance. Lol.

2 Kommentare

Yeah, it's a contest on this site, if your interested in it, here's the link:

I'm relieved you liked it, I am rather new to the genre of romance. (Writing in it at least.) The novel I am working on has a large bit of romance in it.

Writing Right Contests This group is for those serious about the quality of their writing. This is where you can post links to the short stories you have written as part of the Writing Right contests. And yes, there are prizes! What makes these contests different, perhaps, from most others is that first, everyone who enters a qualifying story is a winner. The prizes are gift cards, the amount of each to be determined by how...
Gelöschter User

Oh, it's around BR! Great! But uhmm, I don't want to start another book without finishing the first one.. And I'm full pack this month, thanks for the link anyway! :)

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