Paper Heart

Paper Heart
Simply put:
A truthful poem.

heart, life, poetry
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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-juniper-lee-paper-heart

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Would hope that you read a coupkle of my poems and give some comment, thanks

2 Kommentare

I will definately read your poems. Dont be mad tho, if i find a typo i will tell u. :-P

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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?queenguinevere97_1304630675.2900979519

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likrd this poem very much and I like that it is short. many people write very long poems these days.

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Thanks for reading and thanks for liking it. It feels so good to get praise.

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