Tales from Gulinger High: Tale Thirteen
Another Mafi's Tale Von: Julie Steimle
Almost no one goes to Gulinger High because he wants to. Most want to escape as soon as they arrive. But what happens when one does escape?
Keenan Goodrich is about to find out.
When he sees for himself the kind of freaky people that inhabit Gulinger Private Academy Keenan thinks facing the Mob is better than facing werewolves, half-elves, vampire bitten people, and the cursed. And he gets help from an unlikely source.
Well... no. Actually, not unlikely at all. After all Tom Brown isn't called Trouble for nothing.
All Keenan has to do is promise to pick up Chinese food 'on his way back.'
Like Keenan plans on returning...
Keenan Goodrich is about to find out.
When he sees for himself the kind of freaky people that inhabit Gulinger Private Academy Keenan thinks facing the Mob is better than facing werewolves, half-elves, vampire bitten people, and the cursed. And he gets help from an unlikely source.
Well... no. Actually, not unlikely at all. After all Tom Brown isn't called Trouble for nothing.
All Keenan has to do is promise to pick up Chinese food 'on his way back.'
Like Keenan plans on returning...
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mafia, monster, werewolf, high school, freak, teenager, teen, boy, girl,...
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