Stranger and Stranger

Hallowedspell Book Three Von:
User: zormna
Stranger and Stranger

The weather outside is frightful, very frightful.


The Christmas season has come to Middleton bringing in more than just snow. A stranger blows into town, the Ladies Aid Society unexpectely invites Jessica Mason to join Junior League, and Michael Toms returns to the town for a Holiday visit--a recipe for disaster in this cursed town.


As the eight pals seek answers to the mysterious stranger, Michael goes missing, Peter gets paranoid, Jessica gets a fancy dress, Andy get's tickets to the ball, and the town gets covered in heaps of snow--and they uncover one of the biggest secrets Middleton Village has been hiding for centuries... With Winter Solstice only a week away, what can happen in the most cursed town in North America?


Book 3 of the Hallowedspell series

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