Pirate Deserts

Martian Prophecies: Pirate Prophecy Book 1 Von:
User: zormna
Pirate Deserts

Teenagers rebel from the powers that be in many ways in all ages. But when Anda Gwyrran (the eldest daughter of the lord of their Pirate clan on the world of Sand, a mostly arid planet), goes against her father's will by rescuing a peculiar human from the wreckage of a ship which crashed on their world, she is in for a world of hurt. Already enduring abuse for sullying the family name, Anda finds herself at odds with her father when she discovers their rescued refugee is a Seer from Arras. Though everyone else in their colony sees the peculiar newcomer as a lunatic, Anda finds out he is everything he says he is. And more, the old Seer introduces Anda to the power of Seer fire, of which she has a gift. 

Caught between pressures to expand this new surprising skill, sating her father's brutal demands as the tyrant ruling their Pirate colony, and trying to survive in the ongoing war with the Th'san Empire, Anda relies on her friend Walen to get through it. 


Her new gift with Seer fire, however, brings unexpected fruits and shifts to her world paradigm. For she has seen in the fire what the Seer had tried to protect--the Last Tarrn, the chosen One to end the Endless War, and the Leader-of-Many born to protect the One. And she is not too happy about it.


Sure--she is glad the Last Tarrn was not myth. 

Sure--she's impressed with what she has seen in the fire of Arras's capabilities. 

However, they need help NOW in fighting against the Th'sans. And Anda, and everyone else, is tired of waiting for the One to come. And in their case, when plagues come, it might be too late. 


Anda must take a stand. Will she remain strong in her faith to fight against the fear she has of her father?


Pirate Deserts runs adjacent to the Martian Prophecies series, occasionally intersects with it, until it it merges in book 12. It is the beginning of Anda’s story, which will be told in 3 books, this being the first.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Martian Prophecies Pirate Prophecy"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Pirate Deserts
Martian Prophecies: Pirate Prophecy Book 1
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Martian Prophecies: Pirate Prophecy Book 2

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