On the Altars of the Lesser Gods

Martian Prophecies Book 10 Von:
User: zormna
On the Altars of the Lesser Gods

This is not a lighthearted story. Not for children.

At the end of book 9, Queen Zormna Clendar Tarrn had been snatched off her ship by the Th’sans during the battle. Book 10 is about what happens after. 

This story is about the casualties of brutal war and slavery. Zormna Clendar endures sexual violence and torture, which changes her mental outlook as well as affects her emotional well-being. These events are critical to her character development for book 11 as she is never quite the same.

The story is told from Zormna's POV and Jafarr's POV, as they both struggle to get her out of captivity as well as continue the war against the Th'san Empire.


For those who might be triggered by such topics, it is best to read the summaries then move on book 11. Try as I might, being honest about such topics while also easing the pain and trauma related to it is nearly impossible. So, decide for yourselves whether it is worth it to read. 

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Martian Prophecies"
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