Christmas At Our House

Family Tree Von:
User: jtlloyd
Christmas At Our House
This is a collection of stories about Christmas and my family. Many of the stories has to do with my cancer. And it deals with the gift of life which is the best gift.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Family Tree"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Christmas At Our House
Family Tree
Time In A Pocket
The Dance
Beiträge und Kommentare
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I have a large family and circle of friends. I am doing another book on them. Christmas at Our House is just that a collection of stories. Once I get all of these together it will be condensed into one main book. With each section a chapter in the life of all that I became friends with during cancer. That is a never ending struggle.

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I agree with Etelizabeth, that giving each story the showcase they deserve would make your stories stronger.

I want to thank you for sharing your fight with cancer with us. I am amazed at what the Lord has brought you through and sadness that your mom, even though she was 91, had to take the path home through cancer. May God keep you well in the future and walk through all with you...Paula

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Judy, thanks for letting me see your full name; I am a very visual person and now I have a face, with a name to talk to. First, I read your family book. You have several stories in this one book and every one of the stories would be stronger if separated and fleshed out. You have a writing talent that is hiding under so many things shown at the same time. For instance, the poems are lovely, they need showcasing in their own... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you for participating in our short
story writing contest "Family Stories".

The Librarian

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